So I thought it would be interesting to take the top ten most socialist countries, as reported by The Top Tens website, and see how their governments have so far fared in controlling the virus, compared to our's, per the website Statista:
Country COVID-19 Deaths Per One Million Population, as of 8/27/2020
USA 548.05
Sweden* 571.24
France 454.22
Netherlands 360.69
Canada 246.66
Denmark 107.46
Costa Rica 77.21
Finland 60.71
Norway 49.68
Venezuela 12.16
New Zealand 4.5
*The socialist government of Sweden has taken a largely hands-off approach in dealing with the virus, much as our's has here in America.
To be fair, nearly every form of government (socialist, democratic, monarchy, dictatorship, communist, you name it) has done better than the U.S. in doing the number one job of what a government is supposed to do: protect its citizens.